Library Policies
Betty Fairfax High School Library
Level of Service for IMC
To ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information; students are empowered, critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information to prepare them for college, career and life.
Library Hours:
The library is open Monday through Friday when school is in session.
Library hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
The library periods operate according to the daily schedule.
The library is virtually accessible, where online resources can be accessed virtually through
Student Access Before and After School and at Lunch:
Students may enter the Library with their student ID card.
The library is open before school, during both lunches and after school and during class periods with a teacher's pass.
Student Access during Advisory
Students will be allowed to sign up for the library during the tutoring period.
Tutoring is a time for academic work, so students should plan accordingly.
Students may access the library during the academic day if they have a pass from their teacher with a specific assignment listed on the pass. Admittance will be determined by availability of seats. Teachers who have scheduled their classes in the library will take precedence over walk-in students.
Teacher Access:
During the academic day, a maximum of 2 classes will be scheduled in the library and East lab per period.
A teacher may send up to 4 students from their class to the library on a pass for library work. Students sent to the library on a pass must have a specific assignment to be completed; they will be admitted as space permits, first come, first served. It is recommended that a teacher make prior arrangements with the librarian before sending groups of students to the library to ensure the teacher’s learning objective will be achieved.
Substitute teachers will be admitted to the library with a class provided the teacher of record has met with the librarian in advance of their absence to explain and/or plan instructional objectives that are to be accomplished.
Scheduling of the Library:
The librarian will do all the scheduling of classes for the library, including the East Lab. Teachers are requested to confirm reservations for the computer lab in advance.
To reserve the library for a special event that necessitates closing the library to the student body and faculty will become a decision made by an administrator after consulting with the librarian about possible conflicts with library programs. A facilities requisition needs to be completed and approved before the library can be reserved and closed for any period of time.
Scheduling Instruction:
The librarian is available to teach online databases, research skills, assist with online learning, and collect books pertinent to class assignments. Teachers can email requests or set up a time to collaborate on academic needs. Students may use the West lab for printing.
Copy Center:
7:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. Monday through Friday
2 copy machines are available for staff use. People are encouraged to limit their copy time when others are waiting. If you are doing your own copying, you must stay with the job until it is completed. Student assistants are not permitted to use copy machines.
The other service in the copy room is laminating and poster makers. Laminating is done each Monday morning when at a late start. 3d printing is also available.
Teachers may submit copy-ready materials (in accordance with district copyright guidelines) for duplication. Materials must be submitted 2 days in advance, with the copy request filled out completely. Turnaround time for copy jobs will vary with workload. Library student assistants will deliver the copies to classrooms. Completed copy orders may also be picked up in the copy room.
Please notify staff about needed items in advance for production time.
Evaluation and Assessment:
The Level of Services Agreement will be reviewed annually. Capacity standards for the library apply to users.
Contact information:
J. Nyberg – Teacher Librarian: 49040
A. Cerecedes – Media Tech: 49042