Xello and transcripts
We use Xello as another method of meeting State standards for ECAP. Within Xello, students are able to update Academic, Career, Postsecondary and Extracurricular activities.
Logging Into Xello!
Username: PXU-student ID number (Must type in PXU and dash in addition to the ID number, ex: PXU-4123456)
Password: School password (1Pu...)
Using Xello to Submit Transcripts to a College/university
Log in to your Xello account and follow these instructions to request a transcript to be sent to the college(s) of your choice:
1. Go to Xello.world
2. Username: PXU-ID Number (you must include the -) Password: School password (1Pu...)
3. Click on "Goals and Plans"
4. Click on "Manage" under College Planning
5. Click on "Create your first application" in the College Application Section
6. Type the name of the school to get the transcript then click "select" and "next"
7. Select Admission Type-Select rolling admission for in state schools and put in date, then select "create"
8. Select the "request" button in the transcript section
9. You should see a message stating your transcript is processing
10. Log out