PXU Libraries
Did you know your PXU Teacher Librarian specializes in academic research and databases, citations, digital tools, current young adult literature, and book suggestions?
If you need help in any of these areas, contact us! #WeCanHelp. Just ask - by email or TEAMS message. For a complete list of schools and Teacher Librarians, click here.
To ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information; students are empowered critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information to prepare them for college, career and life.
Library Catalog
Search your Destiny Discover library catalog. Choose your school.
Sign-in with your PXU Microsoft 365 login (Username: PXU Email, Password: Computer Password).
Destiny Discover Login Instructions
By logging into your Destiny Discover library catalog account you can:
Search the library catalog
View your library account information
Access eBooks and eAudiobooks
Search the PXU Libraries research databases
Create a Favorites or Resource List
Find and create a Discover Collection
Review books
Place books on HOLD, and more. . .
Want fast access to the digital library from your phone, tablet, or iPad? Use the Destiny Discover App Instructions link below to download our library catalog app.