Evaluation Toolbox

Teacher Evaluation Toolbox

Arizona College and Career Ready Standards aligned lesson plan template

The enclosed document/template is provided as a sample that may be used by teachers to align to Arizona College and Career Ready Standards (Common Core).

Arizona College and Career Ready Standards aligned lesson plan template ANY content area

The enclosed template may be used by any content area teacher whose curriculum and lesson plan objectives align to Arizona College and Career Ready Standards (Common Core).

Case Managers Checklist

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Answers about Teacher Evaluation

The enclosed document is designed to serve as a guide to answer commonly asked questions about the Teacher Evaluation process.  Additional clarification and final decisions will be made by District level leadership in either Human Resources or Curriculum and Instruction as appropriate.  

How to score a "4" on Teacher Evaluation

Math EQuIP Rubric

Enclosed is the most recent version of the math EQuIP Rubric.  EQuIP (Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products)is an initiative of the American Diploma Project (ADP) Network designed to identify high-quality materials aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

The EQuIP rubrics are designed to evaluate:

  • Lessons that include instructional activities and assessments aligned to the CCSS that may extend over a few class periods or days

  • Units that include integrated and focused lessons aligned to the CCSS that extend over a longer period of time

  • The rubric is NOT designed to evaluate a single task or activity

  • The rubrics do not require a specific template for lesson or unit design

For additional information was website

PXU Teacher Evaluation & Alignment to ELA Arizona College and Career Ready Standards

Using the ELA EQuiP Rubric, an analysis of how the PXU Teacher Evaluation Instrument supports the instructional shifts required by the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards was conducted.  The results of this analysis are cross-walked on the enclosed document. 

Resouces for Professional Development

Please see the enclosed document for resources to assist with professional development above and beyond those already provided by the Phoenix Union High School District.