ESSER III/Safe Return to School


Safe Return to In-Person Learning, COVID Mitigation Plan

Students using their computer

As a part of the federal American Rescue Plan, PXU was allocated $110 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funding, or ESSER III.

ESSER III is the third major federal grant to school districts for COVID-19 response and recovery, after ESSER I, authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES), and ESSER II, authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA). 

Over the next several years, ESSER III will provide essential resources to support schools in addressing the varying needs arising from and exacerbated by the pandemic. This includes the district's continued rollout of the strategic plan's 10 commitments, which exceed the grant requirement that at least 20% of the funding directly address unfinished learning. 

Please see below for our Safe Return to School Plan and more information on Phoenix Union's use of the ESSER III funds. 

Download our Safe Return to School Plan:

ESSER III Requirements

ESSER III Proposed Budget Narrative

Please Provide Your Input: ESSER III Funding

(UPDATE - The Survey Window has Closed)

kids with mask

n a continued effort to support students across the country, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) provides funding to school districts to address COVID-19 recovery. 

Phoenix Union will submit a grant application for a one-time provision of $110 million to be spent over the next three years. The funds would be used to address the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of students, as well as the needs of staff —especially those most impacted by the pandemic.  Twenty-two million or twenty percent of the funding must be focused on unfinished learning.

As a part of the planning process, Phoenix Union is seeking input from students, staff, and families on how these dollars should be spent to improve student outcomes.

We value your perspective and ask that you please take 10 minutes to complete a brief anonymous online survey designed to capture your thoughts on how we can best support the needs of students, staff, and parents. 

The survey results will be gathered by the District’s Research team and used to inform how ESSER III funds will be used, which will be detailed in the grant application.

The survey window has closed.