Occupational Safety

Vincent Scarfo

Vincent Scarfo 

Safety Manager 

Email Vincent Scarfo

Office: (602)-764-1621

Welcome to Occupational Safety

“ Safety and security within the Logistics Division encompass occupational safety and life safety systems. This includes implementation and management of the district-wide safety program, fire alarm and suppression systems, security systems, video surveillance systems, and communication systems. Our mission is to provide a safe and secure environment by utilizing industry best practices and the most current technologies to sustain an environment that fosters personal growth for all stakeholders.” 

Job Injury

Please follow the directions below in the event you suffer a job injury. Please note: minor job injuries that only require basic first-aid do not need to be reported via the Nurse Triage line; they can be handled on-site. To have this event on record please fill out the Alliance Supervisors Report and submit it to your supervisor for the record.

Alliance Supervisors Form (for record-keeping only)

Job Injury Review Form

Non-Severe Injuries 

During regular business hours:

Please report to your site contact to call the Nurse Triage Line (1-888-252-4689 #2). 

After regular business hours or in the event the site contact is not available:

Please report to your immediate supervisor to call the Nurse Triage Line (1-888-252-4689 #2). 

All other situations:

Please call the Nurse Triage Line (1-888-252-4689 #2) directly. 

In the case of non-severe job injuries, DO NOT bypass the Nurse Triage process. If you disagree with the triage nurse’s assessment and/or your condition deteriorates, you are free to seek medical treatment at one of the District’s preferred providers.

Severe job injuries:

Please report to the nearest medical facility for immediate treatment. The following day, you and/or your site contact will call the Nurse Triage Line to initiate your claim (1-888-252-4689 #3).

For life-threatening job injuries, please call 911.

The following day, your site contact will contact the Nurse Triage Line to initiate your claim (1-888-252-4689 #3). 

For more information about the PXU Job Injury Process, please refer to the following: 

To review the Nurse Triage Flow Chart, please click here.

For more information on the PXU Workman's Compensation Pay/Leave Policy, please click here.

For more information on the PXU Paid Leave Reimbursement Process, please click here.

If you need assistance in determining whether a job injury should be classified as severe, please click here.

Occupational Safety Resources

Since the enactment of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), all schools nationwide are required to take comprehensive action relative to asbestos in their buildings. These actions include inspections by EPA accredited inspectors, the assessment of condition, potential disturbance of asbestos materials, and the posting of warning labels.

Phoenix Union High School District contracted with an environmental health consulting firm, to provide the services necessary for the District to be in compliance with AHERA. Inspections of buildings have been completed throughout the district and the management plans were developed. A copy of the asbestos management plan for each school can be found in the school administrators and /or campus facilities supervisor offices. The management plan is available for review during normal school hours.

Our district is dedicated to maintaining its asbestos containing materials in a safe and undamaged condition. Qualified asbestos contractors have been repairing and abating asbestos throughout the district in conjunction with the bond improvement program. In the implementation of its AHERA compliance program, the District will take whatever measures are necessary to protect human health and provide a safe environment.

Questions regarding the district’s asbestos management program should be addressed to the District Safety Coordinator, Vincent Scarfo at (602) 764-1621 or Email Vincent Scarfo.