Teacher Recertification

Student and teacher on the hallway

In order to begin the renewal process, please email Jessica Casas a transcript of your Professional Development Hours from Career Track and she will work on verifying your clock hours online through the Educator Certification System. Arizona Department of Education (ADE) requires you to have at least 90 clock hours to renew for 12 years. The PD Hours that will be accounted for are those that were earned after the issue date of your current certificate. 

Once your transcript is received and your hours are verified, you will be sent an email notifying you that this process has been completed. The email will also include a link that will direct you to the Online Educator Portal. On the portal, you will be able to begin, complete, and submit your application, as well as pay any fees associated with your renewal. 

For any further questions, reach out to Jessica Casas

If you are an Administrator, please email Cynthia Vargas instead of Jessica Casas.